Unique No Evils

Unieke HZZ - Einzigartige “3 Affen“









Description by the carver Kukan Oikawa


The monkeys which play the role of a religionist, a musician and a scientist appear in this work. Moreover, this work satirizes the man of today whom only others appreciate. 

A religionist is covered with the crown of a fish. It is a symbol of Jesus Fish. Although he is talking alone, he is blocking the partner's mouth with his hand.

A musician sticks outdated clothes and wig. Although he flips a violin, he is closing partner's ear with his hand and the long tail, will not be able to tell the performance.

The scientist has a telescope. Although he can see even a long distance, he is hiding partner’s eyes on both of his foot and can't show anything.

I assert the importance of esteeming a partner, coexistence, and harmony with this work.


Permission to publish these photographs was granted by email on December 28, 2012