

Click here if you want to be informed about new issues of this Newsletter.


March - December 2007 Issues



December 31, 2007    No Evil (monkeys) Statues


Some time ago we received pictures of 2 No Evil (monkeys) Statues in Europe from two 3-monkeys-collectors in Holland. Leni and Annelies, many thanks. One picture was taken in southern France and the other one in northern Italy. The photographs have now been added to the photo-album with No Evil Statues. Click on the last two pictures (but also all other photographs are worth viewing).


December 30, 2007    Monk-e-mail


The information about this funny site we received from Bruce Kittess (many thanks!). Of course we had to try it and have posted our message right away. When the message is ready, go with the cursor around the monkey and watch his eyes. To hear and see it all, switch your loudspeakers on and click here.


December 29, 2007    Picture of the Month for January 2008


The Picture of the Month for January 2008 is a design by Wolfgang Judex in Germany. “Traummichel” is the name of a phantasy figure and means something like “Dream-Michael”. If you happen have a nice or interesting picture that could qualify as a future Picture of the Month, just let us know. To view earlier Pictures, click here


December 28, 2007    New Years’ Wishes


All fans of the 3 Monkeys a happy and healthy 2008 and all collectors also many new items. Click here for the message and don’t forget to switch the loudspeakers on. If the message does not show up right away, please try again later.


December 21, 2007    Season’s Greetings


In the guestbook are Greetings from a number of Three-Monkeys collectors, including ours. Click here.


December 12, 2007    Three Monkeys Collectors Meeting 2008 in the Netherlands


The next Collectors meeting in Europe is planned for Saturday October 4, 2008 in Eerbeek* in the Netherlands. Organizers are Foka en Johan Veen. Mark this date already now in your calender! As soon as more news about this conference is available, you can read about it here in this Newsletter.            

(*Eerbeek is located between Arnhem and Apeldoorn)


December 11, 2007    New appraisals/valuations


Several interesting hear-see-speak-no-evil monkey items are being discussed. Click here to read more.


December 10, 2007   Three new Collectors Portraits


Three fellow-collectors are telling you why, when and how they started collecting the No Evils: Max Flückiger from Switzerland,  Bert Willering from the Netherlands and  Heike B. from Germany. You can find these and other interesting stories on the Meet the Collectors page.


November 29, 2007   Picture of the Month - December 2007


The 3 monkeys of the December Picture of the Month are ready for the season.

To view earlier Pictures, click here


November 21, 2007   Unique & Unusual No Evils


Following suggestions from a number of fellow collectors, there is now a new section with pictures and descriptions of unusual or unique No Evil items. Click here to have a look. It is obvious that because of the nature of the subject, we are dependant on information from other collectors. If you own an item that is unique or at least very unusual, please send us pictures and a description and we will be happy to feature your treasure in this website. Don’t know how to contact us? Just click here. Till later.


November 18, 2007   A complete reorganisation of page 2 of this website


When I started to create this website, I did not have any experience nor knowledge. I went through the troublesome and time consuming process of “learning by doing”. And I am still at this stage.

Soon I discovered that many things could have been done better, easier, more logical, but if one starts correcting all this, the website would have never made it to the internet. So I obeyed the old saying: “We may be wrong, but we are going this way”. The result was a website with a huge quantity of information, but quite difficult to navigate.

For that reason page 2 of this website has now completely been reorganised and using that page as a starting point it should now be very easy to find all information with just a few mouseclicks. Should things not work the way they should (f.e. dead or wrong links) please let me know. I will be happy to receive any comments, especially what you think of the changes or what can be improved. Hope to hear from you.


November 16, 2007   New appraisals/valuations


New appraisals/valuations that may be of interest to you. Click here for details.


November 08, 2007   New Collectors Portrait:  Ine Beker


On the Meet the Collectors page is again a new portrait. Ine Beker explains why she has started to collect No Evils and what the three-monkeys’ symbol means to her. If you would like to have your own portrait on this website, just let us know.


November 05, 2007    Website statistics: 195 visitors per day.


Not very exciting for most visitors to this website, but very rewarding for its webmaster. We are now at an average of 195 visitors to this website PER DAY! Even more pleasing, many come from Japan. All visitors are very welcome and if any of you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.


November 04, 2007    New Collectors Portrait:  Jitske Dankert


Another new portrait on the Meet No Evil Monkeys Collectors page. This time it is Jitske Dankert from Friesland in the Netherlands. Jitske has an interesting website about different subjects herself, including her No Evil Monkeys collection and a report about the recent 3-monkeys-collectors meeting in Leeuwarden. Unfortunately for our english speaking readers, the website is in dutch language only.

October 31, 2007        Picture of the Month - November 2007


This time the Picture of the Month is from South Africa. If you happen have a nice or interesting picture that could qualify as a future Picture of the Month, just let us know.

To view earlier Pictures, click here


October 27, 2007         Three Wise Monkeys Conference 2008 in USA


Click here for the latest news about this conference in the USA, which will be hosted by fellow collectors Portia & Vidner McCraw. Mark the dates in your calender, or better: Register now!


October 26, 2007         New appraisals/valuations


There are several new appraisals of three monkey items, that you may want to see. Also new is that for every item a translation in English is available. Click here.


October 25, 2007         New Collectors’ Portrait:  Gozen Beikes


A new portrait can be found on the Meet other Collectors page:  Gozen Beikes who lives in the north of the Netherlands.

If you would like to have an own collectors portrait, just let us know. What we need from you are a few pictures and a story in your own words. The rest we will do. For free. Click here for details.


October 17, 2007         Picture album of the 2007 Meeting in Leeuwarden


Several participants have sent us their photographs, for which we thank them. We have selected the ones that were most suitable for a picture album, that can be viewed by clicking here. As easily can be seen, it was a very nice meeting of old and new friends.

Click here for the translation of an article in the local newspaper “Leeuwarder Courant”.


October 13, 2007         3-Monkeys Collectors Meeting 2007 in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands


With 54 participants the Collectors Meeting in Leeuwarden has been a great success in all aspects. Many thanks to the organizers. Click here to see a few first photographs. A website picture album is being made and will be published soon.


September 19, 2007    Picture of the Month - October 2007


The October 2007 picture was taken by fellow collector Miet Hermans during a visit to Brugge in Belgium.

If you have a nice or interesting picture that could qualify as a future Picture of the Month, just let us know.

To view earlier Pictures, click here


September 17, 2007    Many thanks to Bruce Kittess


This is a good moment to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Bruce Kittess in USA. Bruce is helping us all the time with new ideas and suggestions how to improve this website and particularly how to achieve better rankings in Google and other search engines.

Bruce is running a very nice website himself, which can be found under


September 16, 2007    New Collectors portrait


New on the Meet other Collectors’ page is the portrait of Paul Wyss in Switzerland. He has been collecting the three wise monkeys for over 35 years and has many very interesting items.

If you would like to have an own collectors portrait, just let us know. What we need from you are a few pictures and a story in your own words. The rest we will do. For free. Click here for details.


September 10, 2007    Poetry - Animations - Books


If you have not looked at Poetry & Lyrics for a while, it may be a good moment to do it now. Like many other pages of this website, new items are being added all the time, but many of them never make it to this Newsletter. There are just way too many additions to announce them all.

Those of you who know me personally, will understand my joy when I recently discovered a Danish book with the title “Emil og de tre aber”. In english “Emil and the three monkeys”.

Several pages of this website often go unnoticed by visitors, because by reading the title they do not know what to expect. If you have not yet seen Animations just have a look, because that page really is a lot of fun.


September 03, 2007    No Evil Monks and Nuns


Inspired by the Picture of the Month for September 2007 we have made a page with the (few) No Evil Monks & Nuns in our collection. As usual, this page can be found in the section SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES.


September 02, 2007    Registration for 3 Monkeys Day in Leeuwarden (October 6, 2007)


We just heard from the organizers that more than 50 people will participate in the 3 Monkeys Collectors Day in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. If you have planned to participate, don’t forget to register before September 15, 2007. Click here for details.


September 01, 2007    Picture of the month - September 2007


Isn’t it interesting that a symbol that originates from a Japanese folk religion has become so much known all over the world? And that it sometimes shows up in places where one would not expect it at all?

Just have a look at our picture for September 2007.

Click here to see all Pictures of the Month published so far.


August 31, 2007     No Evil monkeys Collectors Shop 


Always a good idea to quickly visit the page with No Evils for sale. New items are being added all the time.

Yes, we also accept US$, at the actual rate of exchange to the Euro. Credit Card payments are no problem and can easily and safely be made through PayPal.

Most Europeans prefer payment by bank transfer, for which we have a Euro bank account available. Just contact us with any questions.


August 23, 2007     Guestbook


The holiday season is over and the number of visitors to this website is growing rapidly. So is the number of messages in the Guestbook. Many thanks to all for all the nice words. Click here to view the Guestbook

New entries are of course very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


August 22, 2007     Bar Sets and Snowglobes


We received some questions about three monkeys BARSETS and about SNOWGLOBES with no evil monkeys. A good reason to show some examples. As usual, all of this can be found in the section SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES.


August 21, 2007     New no evil pictures


Recently the SHOES Album was updated and the next logical step is to show SOCKS with no evils.

And from there it is a small step to DOORMATS & RUGS all with the three wise monkeys. And for the fun of it we are also showing NO EVIL NECKTIES.

All of this and much more can be found in: SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES.


August 15, 2007     Mailing list for this Newsletter


When you have registered for update-messages of this Newsletter, but don’t receive them, please check your Spam- or Junkfilters. If you don’t know how to do that, ask your Internet Service Provider or your local computer expert. In some cases you will be amazed what you will find there. Our update messages are sent 2-3 times per month, so if you have not received any of our messages so far, please let us know.


August 14, 2007    Style-your-Crocs and Collectors’ shop


Some collectors have asked where they can purchase the No Evil Monkeys “buttons” for Crocs, as shown in our SHOES Album. This information has been added now and you can click here to go straight to the website of a supplier in Germany.

In the past few days quite a number of items in the Collector Shop have been sold and many new No Evil items have been added. Click here to see what is available and here to see what you may have missed.


August 13, 2007    New Appraisal item


We received pictures of a very exciting No Evil item for appraisal. Click here. At this moment we do not know much about this piece, but will consult various sources. If you have any ideas, please let us know.


August 8, 2007      Computer virus    


One of our 3 Monkeys friends has just now experienced an unpleasant virus attack by email. It concerns emails with the (portuguese) subject title “essa vai deixar o seu dia melhor”. Don’t open this email even though you may recognize the sender, just delete it. If you don’t, this virus picks email addresses from your addressbook and starts spreading. Don’t know yet about possible further damage. Normally we would not publish virus warnings, but since many of the 3 Monkey Collector are in email contact with each other, we believe that this time this warning makes sense.


August 6, 2007      Appraisals / Valuations 


We have received several request for (price) information about specific three-monkey items. These valuations will now be published in this website under APPRAISALS. We trust that this information may also be useful for other No Evil collectors. Click here.

If you have an item that you would like to be valuated, contact us. This service is free and without any obligations for both sides.

More three monkeys items have been added to the Collectors Shop. One set consists of three beautiful hear, see and speak no evil geishas made of handpainted porcelain. Not really cheap, but for that extremely rare!

It may be a good idea to also visit the “Incomplete 3-Monkeys Sets” page and hopefully find that missing item you have been looking for.


August 1, 2007       New pictures and information  


It is amazing how much interest exists for Hear, See and Speak No Evil Tattoos. We are receiving many inquiries and in our website statistics we can see that the TATTOO page is viewed very often. Several new Tattoo pictures were received and have been added. If you like to see them all, click here. The TATTOO page can be found in the section WORLDWIDE .

The No Evil symbol is often used in demonstrations of any kind. Several pictures have been added to the “Demo” album , which can be found on the WORLDWIDE page under Perishables.

Two new items have been added to the “Shoe album”. One has the text hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil written all along the side of the sole and the other one are “Crocs” that can be decorated with No Evil Monkeys buttons. This album can be found on the SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES page.

July 31, 2007 visitors information has been on the internet for about 4 months. A good moment for some statistics. This website is now visited by about 1200 different people per month (40 a day). 5% of all visitors (about 60 people) are spending an hour or more viewing the various pages. This probably is not very exciting news, but it is very rewarding for the author of this website.

According to our website statistics, the most popular english search words for finding this website through Google or other search engines are:

three wise monkeys - evil pictures - three wise apes - see no evil hear no evil monkeys


July 28, 2007           Picture of the month - August 2007


A very unusual artists’ impression of the No Evils. We just include it for what it is, no comments from our side. If you would like to see all Pictures of the Month published so far, click here.


July 27, 2007           Scandinavia


We are back from a trip to Denmark and Sweden. It certainly is not the most ideal place for 3-monkey hunting, but we knew that already from earlier trips. The No Evils are certainly known over there, but hardly ever produced. Click here to see the few (nice) No Evils that originate from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. We have never been able to find No Evils that originate from Norway.

This time we found one item in Denmark that is remarkable. A large porcelain dish or bowl with three wise frogs. A very nice item. It measures 34 cm wide (about 13.5 inches). We are not at all sure that it was made in Denmark and unfortunately it has no markings. Anneke agrees to display it for some time in our living room, which by the way is a sure sign of a “quality” item.

In any case, it is a good reason to start making pictures of all of our No Evil Frogs. For unknown reasons, frogs are the most popular No Evil animals after the monkeys. When that page is ready, you can read about it here.

Click here if you want to be informed about new issues of this Newsletter.


July 02, 2007           Mailings about new issues of this Newsletter


We received several requests from people who want to be on our mailing list for new issues of this Newsletter. This feature has been added now, click here. Registration and cancellations are possible at any time.


July 01, 2007            Picture of the month - July 2007


For July 2007 we have chosen a picture that certainly belongs to the category “how cute!!!”. Click here.

If you would like to see all earlier Pictures of the Month published so far, click here.


June 28, 2007          New items in the No Evil Monkeys Collectors Shop


A number of very interesting 3 Monkey items have been added to the Collectors Shop.While you are at it, it may be a good idea to also visit the “Incomplete 3-Monkeys Sets” page.  Maybe you find that missing item you have been looking for.


June 27, 2007          3-Monkeys clocks, watches and other timepieces


A new addition to this website is a page with pictures of the No Evil Monkeys on all kinds of clocks. The new page can be found in SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES about half way under Clocks.


June 26, 2007          Website of a three-monkeys collector in Japan


While searching the internet recently, I discovered the interesting website of Shigeyuki Terabayashi (Mr.) in Japan. One page is completely dedicated to the three monkeys that hear, see and speak no evil. The text is in Japanese, but even if you are not familiar with the language, the pictures are very interesting and give a good idea what subjects are being discussed.

In spite of the language barrier, I have been able to establish a direct email contact with Shigeyuki Terabayashi and I hope for a future exchange of information. Of course we welcome him in the worldwide community of three-monkey collectors.

The link to his website can be found on the page COLLECTIONS and there under Japan - Shigeyuki Terabayashi.

Once you are on the COLLECTIONS page, it maybe is a good idea to have a look at the other No Evil Monkeys collections on the internet.


June 20, 2007          Message for John & Patra in USA


A few days ago, John & Patra  have sent us a message asking to be added to our mailing list. Unfortunately, the email address that was provided by them is not valid. Please write to us again. Thanks.


June 19, 2007          Official program of the 3-Monkeys-Collectors Meeting 2007 in the Netherlands


Today we received the official program for the 2007 meeting in Leeuwarden. Click here for more information. We hope for many participants. Everyone who is interested in the 3 monkeys that hear, speak and see no evil is welcome. The Organizing Committee consists of four enthusiastic ladies from Friesland, which by itself is already reason enough to believe that it will be a great day. Don’t forget to register in time. Why not right now! Click here.


June 18, 2007         New 3 Monkeys Businesses


There are a number of new additions in the categories BARS, SHOPS and RESTAURANTS, some of them so new, that they are still in the phase of hiring personnel. One of the restaurants is located in Budapest, Hungary and now I finally know what the translation of 3 monkeys in Hungarian language is: Három Majom.

You will find all the 3 pages under BUSINESSES and the new additions are at the bottom of each page.


June 15, 2007         No Evil Monkeys Tattoos


We received a number of requests for the Japanese/Chinese characters of “hear, see and speak no evil monkeys”, to be used for tattoos. This question is not so easy to answer and those who are interested can write to us and we will send them some suggestions. In any case, tattoo enthusiasts should have a look at our special page about this subject, which you can find by clicking here.


June 12, 2007         3 Monkeys from Lithuania  -  Poetry  -  African Masks


During my recent travels I was able to buy 3 glass monkeys that had been made in LITHUANIA. It is my first set from that country!  I must admit that I had to check how to spell the name. Unfortunately the picture does not do justice to this very nice set. The monkeys are about 4 inches tall (10 cm).

Furthermore, several new “no evil” poems and lyrics were added to the page POETRY .

Pictures of two interesting masks from Africa with 3 monkeys have been added to AFRICAN MASKS and if you like to see them, you can find them in the album that can be accessed from that page.


June 11, 2007         Frequent Questions


Since this website is available on the internet,  we have received quite a number of  emails with all kinds of questions about the three no evil monkeys. Two questions came up several times and therefore qualify as “Frequent Questions”. They concern the correct sequence or order of the 3 monkeys and advice how to start a collection. The answers can be found in the FAQ page (frequent questions and answers): Questions # 15 and # 16.


June 09, 2007         New Collectors Shop item


One of our fellow-collectors in Belgium has a large 3-monkeys statue (40 cm - 16 inches) that a friend brought along from the Far-East. As a kind of surprise! It is way too large for the collection and is now offered for sale. It is listed in the Collectors Shop. A good reason to have a look what other No Evils are available. Click here.


June 08, 2007         3-Monkeys-Collectors-Conference 2008 in Virginia Beach, USA


Vidner and Portia McCraw, hosts of next years’ conference in the USA are planning to make a website where people can register over the Internet. If you are interested in this event, bookmark this Newsletter you are reading now. We will publish the news as soon as the new homepage about the Virginia Beach 2008 meeting is available.


June 07, 2007         New Picture pages with No Evils


A friend of mine asked me about a set on No Evil Buddhas, which was an excellent reason to create a collectors page with pictures of all the various versions. Click here, you’ll be amazed. At the same time I have added pages with pictures of no evil chicken & eggs (yes, no printing error), no evil penguins and no evil dolphins. Since Australia has no monkeys, but other interesting animals it is worthwile to check that page too. All these pages together can be found under SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES.


May 23, 2007           Picture of the month - June 2007


A bit early, but since some of you were so curious to know what would be featured in June, here it is. Click here.


May 20, 2007           New pages with No Evil Statues and Angels


A page with worldwide no evil statues was due for a long time. Now it can be viewed in WORLDWIDE and there it is located almost at the bottom of that page under Statues.

Another page that is now ready shows a number of No Evil Angels, Cherubs, Fairies and Nymphs. The page is listed under SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES and there under Angels.


May 19, 2007           Appraisal or valuation services


We received a number of enquiries with pictures of 3-monkeys figurines with the question whether we would know more about them and especially what they could be worth. As mentioned on the FAQ page (frequent questions and answers) Question # 10, we will be pleased to do such kind of valuations. They are free of charge, but are also without any obligation from both sides. Click here to contact us.


May 17, 2007           Several windows open


There were a number of queries why this homepage opens up new windows when visiting various pages.

Here is the explanation: as you probably have noticed, this website is completely made in three languages: English, Dutch and German.  Several pages are in one language only, others serve all three.  With my limited knowledge of homepage-making, the present solution of opening new windows is the only way to guarantee that when clicking back and forward one “sticks” to the originally chosen language.

An added advantage is that one cannot accidentally click out of the entire website, as sometimes happens with other homepages.

The disadvantage is that when finished with viewing, one has to click away up to six open windows, which certainly is a bit inconvenient. I am sorry about that, but have no other solution.


May 14, 2007            No Evil Buddhas


As most of you will know, not only monkeys do the No Evil gesture, but also for example Buddhas. We have put a number of them together in the section COLLECTING and then in Special Collectibles.

Click here for viewing


May 12, 2007            3 Monkeys sculpture by Max magnus Norman (Sweden)


The Swedish artist Max Magnus Norman has created an interesting No Evil Monkeys sculpture, which I would like to call “the contrarians”.  I have asked him for an artist’s explanation, here it is:


It's a paraphrase on the famous sculpture and with its reversed message it should suit as a political "freedom of speech and freedom of expression" - symbol in several different settings; cast in bronze outside some TV- or newspaper office, on a T-shirt in China, adopted to a cartoon scene etc. It's meant to be somewhat fuzzy in its message making it easy to adopt to what suits the spectator, something which will give the sculpture some kind of ideological long-life guarantee.


Click here


May 11, 2007   visitors information


This homepage is officially available on the internet since April 15, 2007 and up to today we have had an average of 20 different visitors per day. The record (so far) is 108 different visitors on one single day, which was on April 25, 2007.  The number of visits is much higher, because many people come back several times.


May 10, 2007             Foka Veen, another collector on the “Meet other Collectors” page


Foka Veen from the Netherlands had sent us a nice picture and text and we are pleased to include her story in our Collectors Page. If you like to be featured yourself and to have your own webpage within, just let us know. It is free of charge. What we need from you are one or more pictures and a story. Translations, layout and publising on the internet is done by us. Where does one find this kind of free service today? So just start working on it (but not all at the same time, please). By the way, if you don’t have digital photos, “old fashioned” prints by mail are also OK. Click here to email us.


May 07, 2007             The “Collectors Shop” is now open


Several collectors were urging us to move forward with the Shop. So we did and here is the first result. The Collectors’ Shop can be found under VARIOUS. Don’t expect a professional internet shop with shopping basket and check-out services. Just let us know what you are interested in, we will be happy to give you all information you may need. This is informal collector to collector business and there never is any obligation to buy.

More items will be added all the time. Here is a direct link: Collectors’ Shop


May 05, 2007             Good news for lonesome monkeys !!!!


All collectors who have incomplete 3-monkeys sets should have a look at the new page Incomplete Sets (“orphans”), which can be found under VARIOUS.  This page is made in an effort to bring some “broken-up” monkey groups together. All items listed under Ref. ES will be posted from Switzerland at actual postage cost.  Make sure to bookmark this page, because of possible new additions.

Incomplete sets (“orphans“)


April 26, 2007             Picture of the month - May 2007 


The picture for May 2007 may not exactly be what most of you expect. Why the three monkeys are on these pictures will probably always remain a mystery. Click here.


April 22, 2007             News about the 3-Monkeys Collectors Conference 2008 in the USA


We just received a message from Vidner McCraw, who is organizing next years’ meeting in the USA:


The 2008 Conference is most probably going to be from Friday to Sunday June 20-22, 2008.  We are looking at a Hotel about 9 blocks off the oceanfront for right now. 


More news will be posted in this Newsletter as soon as it becomes available.


April 17, 2007             The first reactions


The first comments to this new homepage are very positive, thank you. To make the navigation on the site somewhat  easier, I have now included a kind of Site Map, which you can find by clicking here.

In case you cannot easily locate the guestbook, click here.


April 15, 2007             Today is the day


Today is the day! After many months of working on it and with all translations in english, dutch and german finally ready, I think this is the right moment to declare this homepage as officially opened.   

(the name says it all)


Now I am most interested to hear what you think of it and am looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

In case you are having difficulties finding the guestbook (ha!) just click here. It may help to know that guestbook entries can be modified or deleted at any time, just in case.


April 10, 2007             No Evil Poker


A most funny 3 Monkeys card was received from fellow collector Judith in California USA.

Hear, see and speak no evil at the poker tables in Las Vegas. Click here. Many thanks Judy!


April 01, 2007             Picture of the month - April 2007


During the recent Carnival in the town of Basle in Switzerland one of the Carnival clubs (Clique) have used the three monkeys as their theme for this years’ event. Click here


March 31, 2007          Homepage Newsletter


The idea of the Newsletter is to offer frequent visitors a possibility to quickly check what is new.

Newcomers are advised to first go through all of the pages; there are plenty, so just take your time.

This website is completely dedicated to collecting the no evil monkeys. Should you have interesting additional information or questions about the Hear, See and Speak No Evil Monkeys, do not hesitate to let us know. You can reach us by clicking on the Contact link at the bottom of almost all pages.




We cannot accept any responsibility for the content of this or for external websites accessed via a link in this homepage. All information in all pages of this website and all published links have been carefully reviewed and compiled. The provider of the website to which published links lead is solely responsible for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and for any losses or damages arising out of the use or non-use  of that information. No liability will be accepted by the party which merely refers to such a website via a link.


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